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Travelling the World with anxiety

My story :)

My name is Charlotte, I am diagnosed with high functioning anxiety, depression and PTSD both acute and complex. I have dyspraxia and dyslexia and have panic attacks on a daily basis. Now I am aware the 4th and 5th points are disabilities but they all contribute to my personality. You see, I had my first panic attack at the age of 5, terrified my mum was going to die. I had no idea until recently that what I experienced all those years ago was a panic attack and neither did my mum. I remember my chest feeling really tight, my hands feeling HUGE, not being able to catch my breath, and an overwhelming sense of fear surrounding me. 

That is what I refer to as a ‘biggie’. Like I said I have panic attacks daily but it’s very rare I have a ‘biggie’ anymore. They can manifest themselves in different ways, I’ll become fixated on something, blabber about rubbish, pace up and down or fidget with an object, for instance.

Now despite my mental health I absolutely LOVE to travel. Visiting new places, eating new food and getting that feeling of exploration, is what lights a fire in my belly! Just thinking of seeing somewhere new and meeting new people gets me excited. Now travelling is amazing, but when you have mental health, it adds a whole lot of issues for you. The over analyzing of every tiny situation, the over planning (though this I actually do love), the fear of something bad going to happen, the constant preparing for the worst. And most importantly, the fact that all these contributions quite often can stop you from fully being present in enjoying your trip. 

So I have worked really hard to keep my mental health at bay particularly when travelling. As despite you going away to enjoy yourself and forget all of life's troubles. Mental health doesn’t always get that memo, and tags a long like an unwanted bestie. Therefore to stop my pre-travel anxiety I will research where I’m going on Pinterest, Instagram and of course get a lonely Planet guide book. I even colour code my post it notes to show everything I want to see! I will make sure I have my transport to and from the airport to avoid unnecessary panic, and make sure I have everything I need in plenty of time for my trip. 

If I’m on holiday and my mental health decides it wants to come out to play, I have created a guide for myself on how to deal with it, so as not to ruin my time. I’ll go get a drink in a quiet bar and just gather my thoughts, or ring someone from home if I’m solo travelling, or I’ll have a book in my bag to help distract my mind. It’s all about knowing what works for you. And what helps you. Like I said when you're on holiday your mental health doesn’t get the memo and so you need to be able to do your coping mechanisms anywhere you are. 

Because travelling is amazing, I have been so lucky to travel Europe, America, Indonesia, Africa and Oman so far! 

And have I been absolutely terrified  that something bad was going to happen? 

Hell Yes!

Did anything bad enough happen that made me never want to leave my house again?!

Hell no! 

See this content in the original post

Getting ‘out there’ is actually proven to help your mental well being, whether it's sat outside on your back doorstep for a cuppa or hiking a canyon in the middle of the desert trying to avoid a sandstorm! But that fresh air, those new experiences, those excited butterflies you get in your stomach. They will help you grow and help you become stronger against your mind. Because it is lying to you when it tells you you can’t do something you absolutely can! Don’t let it hold you prisoner from achieving your dreams and educating yourself with travel.

And if that’s too scary to do at first. Why not do a retreat? There are some amazing retreats out there, designed specifically for people with mental health. Whether that is by yourself or in a group. You can do a wellness retreat, or a betterment retreat. Get out into nature, be surrounded by like minded people. And show your mental health who is boss!

And then once you’ve done one, push yourself a little further, and do another, and another and before you know it, you’ll look back and think what on Earth was I ever worried about?! I know I do! I was terrified to travel without my parents, but I forced myself to do it. Because the alternative was so much worse. The same with I was so scared of creating my own travel blog. And why?! Because my mind was lying to me and telling me I can’t.

So what are you waiting for?

Take that first step 


Leave your comfort zone

Guest Post Written By;

Charlotte Blackburn Travel Blogger
Travelling the world with anxiety as a bestie